Spring Clean Your Daily Tasks to Gain Back Valuable Time


Is your routine ready for a refresh? We’ve set up these spring cleaning mini checklists for daily tasks so you can shake out the excess and find more time in your day. 

These mundane tasks can unnecessarily take up far too much time. Take a look at the time cost associated with each of these tasks and try our minimalist solutions to help regain those lost minutes.

Social Media Scrolling

social media likes coming out of computer while person is typing
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Mindlessly scrolling through social media accounts can consume two to five hours daily. 

  • Regain control by checking how much time you spend in various apps and setting daily time limits (use Digital Wellbeing in Android or Screen Time settings on iOS) 
  • Try a productivity app to block social media during work hours,
  • Consider scheduling dedicated time for social media interaction.

Endless Emails

person checking the email on computer.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

We spend an exorbitant amount of time checking our email throughout the day. Studies on email usage show the average person spends a minimum of two hours per day on email alone.

  • Set specific times to check emails
  • Implement filters to categorize incoming mail automatically
  • Ruthlessly unsubscribe from non-essential newsletters

Unplanned Grocery Shopping

women shopping at grocery store.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

While some people may be fortunate enough to have a local market nearby, but for most of us, an unplanned trip to the grocery store takes approximately two hours per week. Along with wasting time, this can result in unexpected expenses.

  • Meal plan and plan to shop on a specific day each week
  • Create a shopping list and stick to it
  • Consider online grocery shopping or subscription services to streamline the process


person driving, drinking coffee, and trying to talk on phone all at the same time.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Multitasking is a fallacy. Studies have proven that our brains are not designed to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. The act of multitasking is essentially task-switching, which can decrease productivity by up to 40%. This constant switching between tasks can reduce focus and efficiency and increase stress and the possibility of errors.

  • Focus on one task at a time
  • Work on improving your prioritizing – consider apps like Goblin Tools if you need a boost in this area
  • Delegate when possible to boost overall productivity


people trying to decide on what to wear
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Indecisiveness, while difficult to quantify, can potentially lead to significant time loss. Embrace minimalism in decision-making by simplifying choices, setting clear goals, and trusting your instincts.

  • Make a list of ‘not right now’ projects to put aside and stop trying to decide on them before the time is right.
  • Reduce areas where you must make minor decisions every day. This might mean eating the same breakfast, or a rotation of 3 breakfasts. It might mean reducing clothes and possibly choosing a ‘uniform’  for the season so you easily know what to wear each day.

Unorganized Workspace

woman at desk daydreaming.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

An unorganized workspace can cost you about one hour per day.

  • Declutter and organize your workspace
  • Keep frequently used items within arm’s reach to improve efficiency

Lost Keys or Items

person looking for lost items.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Losing essential items like keys can cost you around 10 minutes per day. Combat this by designating specific places for crucial items and cultivating a habit of returning them to their assigned spots.

  • Have a dedicated space for keys, wallets, and sunglasses near the front door, along with shoes and jackets
  • Add a key locator to your keyrings


person wasting time slouched in chair looking at computer.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Procrastination is a time thief with varying but significant time costs.

  • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps
  • Try the Pomodoro Technique
  • Establish a reward system for completing tasks promptly

Cluttered Digital Desktop

working on laptop that has a lot going on at the same time.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Maintaining a cluttered digital desktop can cost you about 20 minutes per day.

  • Organize digital files into folders
  • Delete unnecessary items
  • Strive to maintain a clean desktop for quick access

Unproductive TV Watching

Girl flipping channels on tv late at night.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Watching TV unproductively can take up over 3 hours per day.

  • Set specific time limits
  • Plan your TV time
  • Consider replacing some TV hours with more productive activities

Manual Data Entry

Man entering data from printed copies.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Manual data entry can consume up to 15 hours per month. Automate this task with tools and software to reduce errors and free up valuable time for more critical responsibilities.

  • Try a document scanner app to digitize papers.
  • Search for automation tools for your specific data entry needs. Even if they have a cost, they could pay for themselves with time savings.

Excessive Meetings

business workers in meetings.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Meetings can be a significant drain on productivity, accounting for approximately three hours per day.

  • When possible, block your calendar during your most productive times of day to prevent meetings during that time.
  • Opt for shorter, focused meetings,
  • explore alternatives like email updates or collaborative project management tools, and don’t hesitate to decline unnecessary meetings.

Failure to Delegate

person stuck in meeting having to review documents.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Failure to delegate tasks can potentially result in significant time loss. Use delegation to free up your time for more critical tasks and foster a more efficient workflow.

  • Invest time in learning about how to delegate
  • Delegate responsibilities that others can handle
  • Do a regular assessment of your tasks to see if there are more you can delegate.

Daily Commute

man driving car
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

The daily commute can be time-consuming. One study showed that commuting costs an average of 56 minutes per day. 

  • Consider alternatives such as working remotely, carpooling, or using public transportation.
  • Listening to podcasts or audiobooks is another way you can transform this seemingly wasted time.

Shake up Your Fitness Routine

selective focus on a pickle ball on a court with players legs.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

If you’re struggling to take time to exercise you might need something new to make it interesting and motivating again. Try one of these ideas to refresh your routine!


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